Free membership

Proud to cycle! Stronger together!

Mapping resources to help you navigate around Adelaide by bike. Shows all off-road paths and low-stress routes.

Riders unite!

Bike Adelaide is a community based organisation working everyday to make riding in SA better by advocating for safe, direct and pleasant cycle routes. Our community celebrates and embraces cycling as a fun, healthy, fast and fabulous way to travel

Campaigns and Advocacy


Bike Adelaide advocates for our members with state and local governments by encouraging them to create bike friendly communities. Our focus is on new and improved cycling infrastructure and supporting policies and practices that deliver better cycling safety, connectivity, directness, and comfort.

We are passionate about the benefits cycling brings to individuals, communities and environments and look to educate others on these benefits.

Local grassroots advocacy – State Advocacy Network

Bike Adelaide and a network of local Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) work with local councils on specific cycling issues all the way from Aldinga to the Barossa and East to Mount Barker. Together we link with regional advocates including in the Barossa and KI to form the State Advocacy Network.

Bike Adelaide was 

formerly known as BISA

This Bike Adelaide website runs on a Microsoft Azure platform.

Cygnet Systems is proudly supporting Bike Adelaide with professional IT solutions. Contact Cygnet for a no-obligation consultation and take the first step towards reliable IT!