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West Torrens LATM – A residents feedback

BA committee member and long term West Torrens resident Stephen Janes provided feedback on the proposed LATM. He shared many similar views to BA, he also provided feedback based on […]

West Torrens LATM

Vice President Fay Patterson’s submission to the West Torrens Council indicated our strong support for actions to slow and minimise traffic and Council’s intent to provide cyclist with priority way […]

Chief St, Brompton submission

Vice President Fay Paterson worked into the early hours of the morning to complete our submission on proposals for Chief St, Brompton. There was a definite favourite with appropriate separation […]

New ideas for active transport advocacy

The Australian Walking and Cycling Conference was held on October 1-2, 2020.   We were enthralled by active transport initiatives locally and globally, and made plans to start implementing some ideas […]

New State strategies are ground for hope

Two recent State-level strategies give hope that the government may start giving cycling the attention it deserves.  Both the 20 Year State Infrastructure Strategy and Game-on, a strategy to “get […]

Super Tuesday 2020 Results

The results for the Super Tuesday bike count are now available.  This year we had more volunteers than ever, and included several new locations.  The numbers counted at comparable locations […]

Better bikeway’s dominate news headlines

Recently there have been many articles in the news about positive investments in walking and cycling infrastructure across the world and in Australia. We have collated them to inspire leaders […]

Mike Turtur Bikeway upgrade

It is exciting to see DPTI and Unley Council have come to an agreement about the improvements and long term management of the Mike Turtur Bikeway section between King William […]

Willunga-Aldinga Cycleway

The City of Onkaparinga is planning a bikeway between Willunga and Aldinga, connecting Aldinga with the Coast to Vines rail trail. BISA Committee member Andrew Waugh has prepared a submission […]

BISA’s Covid-19 response

BISA has brought to the attention of the State Government bicycle projects that can assist during the current emergency, as well as economic recovery over three timeframes: Immediate term (0-4 months): […]